If you're not listening to David Bowie, you're doing it wrong. XoXo
Showing posts from August, 2012
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Today is a lazy kind of day. It's the smell of clean laundry and coffee kind of day. It's a pajamas all day kind of day. It's a cuddles on the couch kind of day. I start school tomorrow. (!!!) And it's actually beginning to feel like fall around here. I don't think I'm ready yet! Today is chilly and overcast and I have on classical piano and am going through my list of things to get together by tomorrow. And boy, is it long. But I do love the feeling of getting organized again. Don't you? After a long summer of running around and never knowing what day it is it always feels a little nice to open up a planner and get on a schedule again. It's been a fabulous summer though if I do say so myself! I don't think I've ever had more fun. It will be missed! Here's to big scarfs, falling leaves and lots and lots of coffee. (pumpkin spice lattes please!) I can't wait. Here's what I...
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You might recognize him for his famous tunes in Charlie Brown , but Vince Guaraldi is one of, if not the, coolest cat around. Calling Dr. Funk is one of my all time favorite tunes of his. Mostly for the name, of course. Don't you feel like you should be at a rooftop garden party in SoHo? I love it. So next time you need some good dinner or background music, try some Vince! Alright, alright, I'll stop tryin' to sell ya'll. I just really love his stuff! And that mustache?... Now, switchin' it up a bit. But are you ready for your heart to melt? Listen to this: This song is called Windsong and it's a collaboration between America's John Forte (from The Fugee's ) and Ukrainian band Sunsay . This was all part of Forte's beautiful project "From Brooklyn To Russia, With Love" , a film documenting his nearly two month long tour through Russia and Moscow, as he puts sharing and learning. I ...
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Did I ever tell you all of my love for Kate Spade ads? I love Kate Spade ads. Two of my favorites: The story: This is the story of a charming girl. She laughs out loud, sings off key and believes in taking chances. She is quick and curious and playful and strong. She lets her imagination run away with her. She has never been one to stick to convention. She is fond of daydreams that take her places. She can order a cocktail in six different languages. She feels that understated is overrated. (love this.) XoXo Koko
Morning Loves.
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This movie looks sort of odd and silly, per anything Andy Samburg does, but it does have all of my favorite actors and actresses in it! Rashida and Samburg? Oh, gosh. You guys remember when I posted the new Avett Brothers song ? NPR posted a great live version of it today. Check it out! Do you prefer the live versions of your favorite songs or the quiet composure of the studio version? I love live versions personally. Especially in the car, when you roll up to a stop light with the windows down and it sounds like you have a whole crowd of people in your car ;) I also heard on NPR the other morning about a new coffee roast, called Death Wish , with 200% more caffeine as normal coffee. (!!!) Read the full article here . Hopefully y'all are enjoying your morning today and won't be needing any Death Wish! XoXo Koko
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Job hunting.... is like sticking your hand in a pile of needles and hoping you'll pull out a strand of hay. It's like waking up in the morning and saying to yourself "Hmmm. Self? Have you thought about having a bad day today? Because I have a great idea if you haven't yet!" It's like dreaming of that rich chocolatey double swirly cone, but they only have strawberry. Doesn't anyone need a college educated barista anymore?!
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Today I: Continued planting my garden. Baked bread. Painted some of the drift wood I brought home earlier this summer. Picked up my sister at the airport. Went for a run. Met friends for dessert. It's amazing what you can get done when you don't work! You should all try it sometime, really. ;) ... but seriously. I need a job.
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Tonight I am loooving Beyonce's 'Love On Top' Luh-huh-uhhhve. Also, have you heard the New Band of Horses? Because it rocks. But not as much as the new Avett Brothers. I've had this one on repeat for literally, two weeks. Maybe. It's so good! And I'm in love with this boot by Hudson. http://www.hudsonshoes.com/etty-brown.html This lovely list is brought to you by our fabulous sponsor "Kelly's messed up sleep cycle"! XoXo Koko