Odd things

Oh life is funny isn't it?
It feels as though whenever I decide to just give up, or more accurately let go, thing's seem to fall into place.

I know God is BIG and has big plans for me but I still fight it all the time. I almost always have a better idea of how my life should go.
But here's the thing, I don't.

I finally let go of all my big plans and told God I wanted him to take me wherever he wanted after my big fun summer of escaping my small town and lo and behold! He kept me here... literally shut every door I tried to creep open and run away through.

But I think it's been the best thing for me to be honest. I'm living in an incredible house of girls in an awesome area. My parents are close enough to run away to if I get tired of the city. And I'm involved in an incredible music project here in town. Like, what is going on? I couldn't be more grateful!

But then came this week...
And here's where things get weird.

Out of no where one of my buddies calls me with a job offer at his coffee stand where he'll now be managing. A job (woohoo!) working for my friend making coffee. Are you kiddin' me? Someone's pullin' my leg here... And then I get a call: you've won our raffle prize (what raffle prize? I never entered anything?) here's two tickets to the symphony and a gift certificate to a restaurant. Say what?

And even weird little things keep happening like not having to pay for my food because of mix ups at the register or friends randomly deciding to stop by the house with no-reason-whatsoever presents for me.

I don't know what's going on! I want to shake it off because materials aren't what matter, my heart and caring for God's plan is what matter but at the same time I want to freak out and thank him for every little thing that happens! So of course I do the latter... but then remind myself that God's love isn't free tickets to the symphony. But it could be the provision of a job. And now it's my turn to turn around and give these little (And BIG) bits of love I've been gettin' all week on to someone else.

Listen, we all go through rough times, and we all go through great times. So when you hit the great, praise the Lord and spread the lovin'! Enjoy it while it lasts but remember that it won't. Stay humble. Stay appreciative. And stay joyful! Stay easily excited! Stay that girl who get's excited for free fries at McDonalds the same week she get's free tickets to the symphony. Stay simple. Don't let life complicate you, or your outlook. SHINE. And in all things, praise God! If God is simply love than I am all for spreadin' that around.

Seriously, hug your neighbor, buy someone's groceries, strike up a conversation with a homeless person. Listen. Take it all in! This is life!
