Oh NPR...

I'm truly addicted to your music section.
I should stop copying all your posts on my blog and simply just make my blog, a link to NPR music.
At this point it practically is.

(Here people. http://www.npr.org/)

Today you shared with me the goodness that is Jamie Lidell: 

Along with new music from Steve Martin. 
I love you NPR. 

On that note, let's discuss my love for Questo, the great drumbino.  
I can not say I found him on my own, a good friend and phenomenal musician shared his music with me and out of and attempt to keep up and be cool I gave it a listen. And they say the rest is history! Questlove is one of my favorite musicians, not only because he's extremely talented, but he's one of those rare people in the music business who has worked extremely hard and stayed extremely humble. And I like that. 

More from NPR: Patenting genes?

I find it so selfish to hinder scientific progress, simply because you want your name behind it. Yes, the hard work and time you put into your studies deserves recognition, but not allowing anyone to study it further? That's a tad ridiculous. Also, law prevents anything of nature from being patented and I definitely find genes to be apart of nature; isolated or not... 

All right, allriiiight! Enough from NPR. My life is boring, folks. (I mean, I just blogged about a news article on genes. Riveting.) Just finishing up school and working a lot. Oh, and being sick tonight. FUN. (No really, I'm getting a ton done here. What a blessin in disguise!) A little tea, a little rest, and a whole lot of SNL and I'll be up and at 'em again tomorrow! You can't keep me down for long. 


Oh! Ps. Y'all should listen to Seth Ford-Young.
I just love him.


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