Morning Loves.

This movie looks sort of odd and silly, per anything Andy Samburg does, but it does have all of my favorite actors and actresses in it! Rashida and Samburg? Oh, gosh.

You guys remember when I posted the new Avett Brothers song? NPR posted a great live version of it today. Check it out!

Do you prefer the live versions of your favorite songs or the quiet composure of the studio version? I love live versions personally. Especially in the car, when you roll up to a stop light with the windows down and it sounds like you have a whole crowd of people in your car ;)

I also heard on NPR the other morning about a new coffee roast, called Death Wish, with 200% more caffeine as normal coffee. (!!!) Read the full article here.

Hopefully y'all are enjoying your morning today and won't be needing any Death Wish!

XoXo Koko


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