Due to recent events...

This past term was a bit of a stress overload for me. I overworked myself and finally decided to up and quit my job and truly take the summer off, something I haven't done since before high school.

So here I am. No job, no school, about to take off for the summer when my mom informs me that I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled before I leave. (Don't ask me what the rush was about, something about insurance reasons? Or under the table payment? The black market? I don't know.)

But really, just what did she think this was, the Jerry Springer Show? You can't just go interrupting a girls quarter life crisis for oral surgery and you especially can not intervene on this new "devil may care" attitude I'm trying on here. I'm doing what everyone wants to do... running away. I'm trying to find myself! My bliss! Nirvana! Direction! Or at least a few waves before I head back to the rain.

Didn't she understand??

But that she did not. So I had my surgery, didn't do anything even remotely funny while all looped up, and now I'm left here to "recover". 

What a disappointment. 

Once again let's revisit the facts, shall we? I am:

 - Single

 - Living at home

 - Still look like I'm fifteen

 - Correction, like a fifteen year old chipmunk
 - Jobless
 - School-less (but really, who's complaining here...)
 - Eating milkshakes three times a day
 - And single. Very single.

This means I have lots of time to kill. And I'm not gonna lie I'm a pretty productive person! (My blog. My  fantasies people. Just roll with it!) I don't really watch tv, I run all my errands, I eat my veggies, I do some yoga (who are we kidding, I stretch.) I play guitar, I bake, I paint, I read, I go out for coffee, yadda yadda yadda... I make dreamcatchers. No seriously. That's how productive I am.

It's nighttime that's killing me! Who woulda thought. I've always been the "I can sleep anywhere, anytime" type of person. You know, that unfortunately lazy person who you're always just a tid bit jealous of deep down. It's my small, but substantial claim to fame. But with this quarter life crisis and nothing to do all day I find myself very not tired at the end of the day and with a lot on my mind. Woe is me, I know right?

So, like most middle class American insomniacs, I've taken to reading blogs and watching 30 Rock all night.

So here I am at seven in the morning, holding my cheeks with my palms because it hurts to laugh, sleep deprived and thinking thinking to myself "I am going to regret blogging about this in the morning." But then I remind myself it already is morning and that nobody reads my blog. California here I come!

I'm just gonna leave this here to make up for my substantial lack there of.

Love Koko 


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